Shoppobot indexes shopping websites in New Zealand and adds products to its index. This includes online stores that are not using the Shoppo store builder software.
Stores selling on Shoppo
You do not need to do anything, all your products are listed and updated automatically. There is no interruption or effect on the performance of your website.
You can view your products by searching for your store URL in the search box above or going to
Stores listing on Shoppo
Shoppobot will crawl a website once a month (default) or daily, weekly or monthly depending on your preference.
The Shoppobot normally operates between 12:00am and 5am, except when your store is being set up or checked; in some instances only the headers are retrieved (such as checking for 404's).
Required Fields
Products must have a unique URL and contain a price, name and image. Categories are indexed to retrieve more product URLs. If you have a /sitemap.xml page configured this is normally the first page checked.
Block URL
You can block the Shoppobot by including the"noindex, nofollow" meta tag on specific pages, or to block Shoppobot from your entire site include the following in your robots.txt file:
User-agent: Shoppobot
Disallow: /
Request Removal
If you would like to remove your website, or if somehow we've got something wrong, please let us know by emailing us.
Supply a product feed in XML or CSV
Enter the URL of your feed into your store profile, the feed must be from the same domain of your website, E.g. or
The required product fields are:
- name
- price
- image_url
- url
Fields can appear in any order, and the optional fields can be omitted (the required fields must be included and should not be empty).
Once you have imported all your products each subscequent feed import can be your full inventory or only the products that have been modified.
Sample XML feed 
Sample CSV feed 
Product Status IDs
Status codes for setting the product status, the default is 0
- 0 = Normal (default if omitted)
- 1 = Normal (promoted/featured e.g. homepage large)
- 2 = Normal (promoted/featured e.g. homepage small)
- 3 = Hidden (products set to 3 will be hidden but not deleted)
- 4 = Out of stock (shown but not able to purchase)
- 5 = Out of stock (back order, able to purchase)
- 9 = Delete
Optional fields
Additional data may be suppled with optional fields including:
- this is useful for ensuring an existing product is only modified if there has been a change since the last updated date.
- helpful for categorisation within Shoppo’s search results.
- specifying a gender will ensure items appear higher in gender-specific searches such as "ladies shoes". Valid gender types include mens, womens, boys, girls, unisex (default for no value), baby
- only a summary is used for displaying within search results, however a full description in the details field can provide additional keywords for searching. If the details is supplied and no summary then the details will be used as the summary for search results.
- must be lower than the price.
- blank means no stock limit, a numeric value of: zero is out of stock, over zero is a stock amount that is decremented the quantity purchased when an order is placed.
Using a Google product feed
Shoppo can also accept a Google Products XML file. If you already have one set up then simply supply the full URL of the XML file in your store profile.
Other product feeds
We can also modify our import script if you have already implemented a standardised XML feed for another application. Just email us a link to the XML file.